Class Amazon::AWS::Search::Request
In: lib/amazon/aws/search.rb
Parent: Object


new   search  

Included Modules


Classes and Modules

Class Amazon::AWS::Search::Request::AccessKeyIdError
Class Amazon::AWS::Search::Request::LocaleError


DIGEST_SUPPORT = OpenSSL::Digest.constants.include?( 'SHA256' ) || OpenSSL::Digest.constants.include?( :SHA256 )   Do we have support for the SHA-256 Secure Hash Algorithm?

Note that Module#constants returns Strings in Ruby 1.8 and Symbols in 1.9.

DIGEST = 'sha256' ) if DIGEST_SUPPORT   Requests are authenticated using the SHA-256 Secure Hash Algorithm.


cache  [W] 
config  [R] 
conn  [R] 
encoding  [RW] 
locale  [R] 
query  [R] 
user_agent  [R] 

Public Class methods

This method is used to generate an AWS search request object.

key_id is your AWS access key ID. Note that your secret key, used for signing requests, can be specified only in your ~/.amazonrc configuration file.

associate is your Associates tag (if any), locale is the locale in which you which to work (us for, uk for, etc.), cache is whether or not you wish to utilise a response cache, and user_agent is the client name to pass when performing calls to AWS. By default, user_agent will be set to a string identifying the Ruby/AWS library and its version number.

locale and cache can also be set later, if you wish to change the current behaviour.


 req = '0Y44V8FAFNM119CX4TR2', 'calibanorg-20' )


# File lib/amazon/aws/search.rb, line 71
        def initialize(key_id=nil, associate=nil, locale=nil, cache=nil,

          @config ||=

          def_locale = locale
          locale = 'us' unless locale

          key_id ||= @config['key_id']
          cache = @config['cache'] if cache.nil?

          # Take locale from config file if no locale was passed to method.
          if @config.key?( 'locale' ) && ! def_locale
            locale = @config['locale']
          validate_locale( locale )

          if key_id.nil?
            raise AccessKeyIdError, 'key_id may not be nil'

          @key_id     = key_id
          @tag       = associate || @config['associate'] || DEF_ASSOC[locale]
          @user_agent = user_agent
          @cache      = unless cache == 'false' || cache == false
                 @config['cache_dir'] )

          # Set the following two variables from the config file. Will be
          # *nil* if not present in config file.
          @api       = @config['api']
          @encoding   = @config['encoding']

          self.locale = locale

Public Instance methods

Perform a search of the AWS database, returning an AWSObject.

operation is an object of a subclass of Operation, such as ItemSearch, ItemLookup, etc. It may also be a MultipleOperation object.

In versions of Ruby/AWS up to prior to 0.8.0, the second parameter to this method was response_group. This way of passing response groups has been deprecated since 0.7.0 and completely removed in 0.8.0. To pair a set of response groups with an operation, assign directly to the operation‘s @response_group attribute.

nr_pages is the number of results pages to return. It defaults to 1. If a higher number is given, pages 1 to nr_pages will be returned. If the special value :ALL_PAGES is given, all results pages will be returned.

Note that ItemLookup operations can use several different pagination parameters. An ItemLookup will typically return just one results page containing a single product, but :ALL_PAGES can still be used to apply the OfferPage parameter to paginate through multiple pages of offers.

Similarly, a single product may have multiple pages of reviews available. In such a case, it is up to the user to manually supply the ReviewPage parameter and an appropriate value.

In the same vein, variations can be returned by using the VariationPage parameter.

The pagination parameters supported by each type of operation, together with the maximum page number that can be retrieved for each type of data, are # documented in the AWS Developer‘s Guide:

The pagination parameter used by :ALL_PAGES can be looked up in the Amazon::AWS::PAGINATION hash.

If operation is of class MultipleOperation, the operations encapsulated within will return only the first page of results, regardless of whether a higher number of pages is requested.

If a block is passed to this method, each successive page of results will be yielded to the block.


# File lib/amazon/aws/search.rb, line 292
        def search(operation, nr_pages=1)
          parameters = Amazon::AWS::SERVICE.
                         merge( { 'AWSAccessKeyId' => @key_id,
                                  'AssociateTag'   => @tag } ).
                         merge( operation.query_parameters )

          if nr_pages.is_a? Amazon::AWS::ResponseGroup
            raise ObsolescenceError, 'Request#search method no longer accepts response_group parameter.'

          # Pre-0.8.0 user code may have passed *nil* as the second parameter,
          # in order to use the @response_group of the operation.
          nr_pages ||= 1

          # Check to see whether a particular version of the API has been
          # requested. If so, overwrite Version with the new value.
          parameters.merge!( { 'Version' => @api } ) if @api

          @query = Amazon::AWS.assemble_query( parameters, @encoding )
          page = Amazon::AWS.get_page( self )

          # Ruby 1.9 needs to know that the page is UTF-8, not ASCII-8BIT.
          page.force_encoding( 'utf-8' ) if RUBY_VERSION >= '1.9.0'

          doc = page )

          # Some errors occur at the very top level of the XML. For example,
          # when no Operation parameter is given. This should not be possible
          # with user code, but occurred during debugging of this library.
          error_check( doc )

          # Another possible error results in a document containing nothing
          # but <Result>Internal Error</Result>. This occurs when a specific
          # version of the AWS API is requested, in combination with an
          # operation that did not yet exist in that version of the API.
          # For example:
          if xml = doc.elements['Result']
            raise Amazon::AWS::Error::AWSError, xml.text

          # Fundamental errors happen at the OperationRequest level. For
          # example, if an invalid AWSAccessKeyId is used.
          error_check( doc.elements['*/OperationRequest'] )

          # Check for parameter and value errors deeper down, inside Request.
          if operation.kind == 'MultipleOperation'

            # Everything is a level deeper, because of the
            # <MultiOperationResponse> container.
            # Check for errors in the first operation.
            error_check( doc.elements['*/*/*/Request'] )

            # Check for errors in the second operation.
            error_check( doc.elements['*/*[3]/*/Request'] )

            # If second operation is batched, check for errors in its 2nd set
            # of results.
            if batched = doc.elements['*/*[3]/*[2]/Request']
              error_check( batched )
            error_check( doc.elements['*/*/Request'] )

            # If operation is batched, check for errors in its 2nd set of
            # results.
            if batched = doc.elements['*/*[3]/Request']
              error_check( batched )

          if doc.elements['*/*[2]/TotalPages']
            total_pages = doc.elements['*/*[2]/TotalPages'].text.to_i

          # FIXME: ListLookup and MultipleOperation (and possibly others) have
          # TotalPages nested one level deeper. I should take some time to
          # ensure that all operations that can return multiple results pages
          # are covered by either the 'if' above or the 'elsif' here.
          elsif doc.elements['*/*[2]/*[2]/TotalPages']
            total_pages = doc.elements['*/*[2]/*[2]/TotalPages'].text.to_i
            total_pages = 1

          # Create a root AWS object and walk the XML response tree.
          aws = operation )
          aws.walk( doc )
          result = aws

          # If only one page has been requested or only one page is available,
          # we can stop here. First yield to the block, if given.
          if nr_pages == 1 || ( tp = total_pages ) == 1
             yield result if block_given?
             return result

          # Limit the number of pages to the maximum number available.
          nr_pages = tp.to_i if nr_pages == :ALL_PAGES || nr_pages > tp.to_i

          if PAGINATION.key? operation.kind
            page_parameter = PAGINATION[operation.kind]['parameter']
            max_pages = PAGINATION[operation.kind]['max_page']
            page_parameter = 'ItemPage'
            max_pages = 400

          # Iterate over pages 2 and higher, but go no higher than MAX_PAGES.
          2.upto( nr_pages < max_pages ? nr_pages : max_pages ) do |page_nr|
            @query = Amazon::AWS.assemble_query(
                      parameters.merge( { page_parameter => page_nr } ),
            page = Amazon::AWS.get_page( self )

            # Ruby 1.9 needs to know that the page is UTF-8, not ASCII-8BIT.
            page.force_encoding( 'utf-8' ) if RUBY_VERSION >= '1.9.0'

            doc = page )

            # Check for errors.
            error_check( doc.elements['*/OperationRequest'] )
            error_check( doc.elements['*/*/Request'] )

            # Create a new AWS object and walk the XML response tree.
            aws = operation )
            aws.walk( doc )

            # When dealing with multiple pages, we return not just an
            # AWSObject, but an array of them.
            result = [ result ] unless result.is_a? Array

            # Append the new object to the array.
            result << aws

          # Yield each object to the block, if given.
          result.each { |r| yield r } if block_given?

