Module Finance::Quote::Yahoo::Europe
In: lib/finance/quote/yahoo/europe.rb

Fetch quotes from Yahoo Europe.

 require 'finance/quote'

 q =
 qd = q.fetch( 'europe', '12150.PA' )
 qd = q.fetch( 'yahoo_europe', '12150.PA' )  # alternative form

This module fetches information from Yahoo Europe. Symbols should be provided in the format SYMBOL.EXCHANGE, where the exchange code is one of the following:

 PA - Paris
 BC - Barcelona
 BE - Berlin
 BI - Bilbao
 BR - Breme
 CO - Copenhagen
 D  - Dusseldorf
 F  - Frankfurt
 H  - Hamburg
 HA - Hanover
 L  - London
 MA - Madrid
 MC - Madrid (M.C.)
 MI - Milan
 MU - Munich
 O  - Oslo
 ST - Stockholm
 SG - Stuttgart
 VA - Valence
 DE - Xetra (was FX)

Stocks are returned in the currency of the local exchange. You can set the @currency attribute of your Finance::Quote object to change the currency in which information is returned.

Information obtained by this module may be covered by Yahoo‘s terms and conditions. See for more details.



YAHOO_EUROPE_URL = ''   URL from where to obtain information.

Public Instance methods
