# File lib/password.rb, line 265
  def Password.phonemic(length=8, flags=nil)

    pw = nil
    ph_flags = flags

    loop do

      pw = ""

      # Separate the flags integer into an array of individual flags
      feature_flags = [ flags & ONE_DIGIT, flags & ONE_CASE ]

      prev = []
      first = true
      desired = Password.get_vowel_or_consonant

      # Get an Array of all of the phonemes
      phonemes = PHONEMES.keys.map { |ph| ph.to_s }
      nr_phonemes = phonemes.size

      while pw.length < length do

        # Get a random phoneme and its length
        phoneme = phonemes[ rand( nr_phonemes ) ]
        ph_len = phoneme.length

        # Get its flags as an Array
        ph_flags = PHONEMES[ phoneme.to_sym ]
        ph_flags = [ ph_flags & CONSONANT, ph_flags & VOWEL,
                     ph_flags & DIPHTHONG, ph_flags & NOT_FIRST ]

        # Filter on the basic type of the next phoneme
        next if ph_flags.include? desired

        # Handle the NOT_FIRST flag
        next if first and ph_flags.include? NOT_FIRST

        # Don't allow a VOWEL followed a vowel/diphthong pair
        next if prev.include? VOWEL and ph_flags.include? VOWEL and
                ph_flags.include? DIPHTHONG

        # Don't allow us to go longer than the desired length
        next if ph_len > length - pw.length

        # We've found a phoneme that meets our criteria
        pw << phoneme

        # Handle ONE_CASE
        if feature_flags.include? ONE_CASE

          if (first or ph_flags.include? CONSONANT) and rand( 10 ) < 3
            pw[-ph_len, 1] = pw[-ph_len, 1].upcase
            feature_flags.delete ONE_CASE


        # Is password already long enough?
        break if pw.length >= length

        # Handle ONE_DIGIT
        if feature_flags.include? ONE_DIGIT

          if ! first and rand( 10 ) < 3
            pw << ( rand( 10 ) + ?0 ).chr
            feature_flags.delete ONE_DIGIT

            first = true
            prev = []
            desired = Password.get_vowel_or_consonant


        if desired == CONSONANT
          desired = VOWEL
        elsif prev.include? VOWEL or ph_flags.include? DIPHTHONG or
              rand(10) > 3
          desired = CONSONANT
          desired = VOWEL

        prev = ph_flags
        first = false

      # Try again
      break unless feature_flags.include? ONE_CASE or
                   feature_flags.include? ONE_DIGIT


    Password.new( pw )
